My Vegan Story


Ciao my Love,
My journey to a kind life changed with the book “Non Violent” which had sections from Gandhi’s book. We have to be compassionate, and it starts with our selves. My vegan story start 3 months ago and it will continue throughout my life.  Continue reading

Kind Diet


Happy Monday!

On my journey on finding my passion of spreading love, kindness and giving I came across the vegan diet. I no longer felt guilty, I could eat as much as want as well as show animals that I truly love them. Making a difference well change someone’s life, you can influence someone to eat to heal, and show the planet we care. My journey started as a child, everyday I continue to learn as I walk my path to a kinder and more loving life. With this lifestyle you show love to yourself and to others. Spread a little today.

You have to feel good to look good!

With Love,


Rays of Enlightenment


Happy Monday

I am very bless to have learn so much this summer. All the knowledge is at your fingers tips but most of us don’t want to learn anymore. If you want a better life educate yourself about health, fitness, happiness, and so on. In life you have to be open to learning more, it does not end when you stop going to school. Read, research, and experience life 🌎

You have to feel good to look good!

With Love,


Food is Medicine

Ciao My Loves,

Lets start with the wise words of Hippocrates

Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.

 Powerful words of wisdom given to us centuries ago. Our body is suppose to heal itself, but we give it fuel that is process, meat, and diary. How can our body work at its best? We expect it to be healthy, we over exercise to make up for that harmful foods we ate. “Diets” don’t work because it is only short term. Do not look for a fast answer, TURN the bad habit to a good one. You want to make a lifestyle change. On our path to learning to love ourselves and the world,lets learn to love our body. Give your body the nourishment it needs like fruits and vegetables. Trust me your body will thank you!

Remember to comment down below or message me at

You have to feel good to look good!

With Love,


Food For Thought



Happy Monday!

Food is medicine. As I am learning about the vegan lifestyle, I can see a change of how I see food. Veggies and fruits are delicious food that can heal my body and soul. I can eat until my stomach is satisfy, and I am full of energy ❤️ The body is suppose to be able to heal itself but we limit its power with the foods we eat. Plus we are a lot happier when our tummies are happy.

To The Beautiful You | Self Love

Ciao My Loves,

 To the Beautiful You, is a new series where I go farther into detail on the quotes I post every Monday and any questions you may have!

Activities for Self Love:

  • Book Self ( Each book represents the pressure you have in your life.)
  • Writing it down (Write down Affirmations to say everyday and post on your bathroom mirror.)
  • Count Your Blessings (10 blessing to start your day and 10 to end your day.)

Self love starts from the inside and reflects out, you have feel good to look good.

Remember you can comments below or message me at!

With Love,


Love yourself



Happy Monday!

Love yourself ❤

Nothing will change if you continue to think badly about yourself. Believe in yourself, and in your dreams. That is the power.

You have to feel good to look good!

Remember you can message me in the comments below or at

With Love,



What my Heart Produces


Ciao my Loves,

Our hearts are full of love to give to the world. Open you heart and spread the love your heart produces. So many people in this world sleep hungry, empty of love. Your love can light up someone’s day.

With Love,
